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Can I Sue My Employer for a Slip and Fall

Can I Sue My Employer for a Slip and Fall Featured Image

Every year, more than 40,000 workers are injured in slip and fall accidents while they're on the job. The reasons are manifold, with poor safety conditions, poor maintenance of the premises, and problems with PPE all leading the pack. Many jobs are simply dangerous as well, even absent any negligence on an employer's part.  Slip and fall injuries are just as serious for workers as they are for guests who might come onto an employer's property. They can result in a loss of ability to work, a lifetime of chronic pain, a loss of independence, and even traumatic brain injuries that...

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How Long After a Slip and Fall Can You Sue?

How Long After a Slip and Fall Can You Sue Featured Image

The insurance industry would like you to believe that you have to wait for some sort of arbitrary event before you can pursue your slip and fall case. For example, many insurance companies like to perpetuate the myth that you have to reach maximum medical improvement before you can contact a lawyer. In reality, you can contact a lawyer immediately after your accident and should do so almost as soon as you're medically capable of making the call. The faster you move the better off you're likely to be. In addition, you don't have forever to make a decision. If you...

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Slip and Fall Liability Claims in Alberta, CA

Slip and Fall Liability Claims in Alberta, CA Featured Image

A slip-and-fall claim is also known as a premises liability claim. It's a slang term for any number of injuries that can occur when a property is kept in an unsafe condition.  Nevertheless, as in any accident wherein, one party has committed an act of negligence to another, you can pursue compensation for your injuries. Here's everything you need to know about how Slip and fall liability claims work in Alberta. What is premises liability? Premises liability is a class of personal injury law that addresses injuries sustained on a property when the property owner has allowed an unsafe condition to persist. Property...

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